Posts Categorized: News

Verona Agrifood Innovation Hub: the new landmark for developing the Italian agri-food sector

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Veronafiere is home to the new Italian agrifoodtech centre. The memorandum of understanding setting up the Verona Agrifood Innovation Hub was signed today by a wide-ranging partnership of public and private players: Cariverona Foundation, UniCredit, Verona City Council, Veronafiere, Confindustria Verona, University of Verona, Cattolica Assicurazioni and Eatable Adventures (which will manage the hub’s operations).…

Veronafiere strengthens its top management with two new appointments

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The Veronafiere Group strengthens its top management team with two new appointments: Raul Barbieri and Adolfo Rebughini, respectively Sales Director and Chief Operating Officer (COO). “This operation,” as Federico Bricolo, President of Veronafiere, explained “completes the process of strengthening the Group’s decision-making and management assets, which began in 2022 with the new position of Managing…

Sport Expo: the under-14 festival of sport at Veronafiere

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Mens sana in corpore sano: the 17th Sport Expo (March 10-12) at Veronafiere highlights the sport and children combination by promoting inclusion and a healthy lifestyle based on motor activity and correct nutrition. The three-day event occupies three show halls for 60,000 square metres entirely promoting more than 60 sporting disciplines, all to be experienced…

The green future of logistics in Verona

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Veronafiere hosts the States General of inter-modal logistics with LetExpo, the event organized in partnership with ALIS, scheduled 8-11 March 2023. Five show halls occupied for a total show area of 60,000 square metres, with 310 exhibitors and more than 100 appointments – including conferences and workshops – where the future of the transport and…

Samoter Innovation Award: construction machinery of the future takes the stage

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Hybrid or electric machinery developed for earth moving and various applications in the hoisting/lifting world. Technologies that improve operator safety and comfort are aspects that can make all the difference on construction sites all over the world. New IT systems and software ensuring better production process efficiency. These are some of the solutions in the…

Giovanni Mantovani concludes his mandate as CEO of Veronafiere

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After 37 years – and almost 25 at the top – Giovanni Mantovani today concludes his mandate as CEO of Veronafiere. The President of Veronafiere, Federico Bricolo, commented: “Giovanni Mantovani guided Veronafiere with foresight, expertise and entrepreneurial vision. He has great merit for Veronafiere’s constant growth and the international positioning – from Asia to the…

#GED2022, Trade fairs – the top allies for Made in Italy

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Trade fairs multiply business: companies who rely on them to promote their business and products grow by almost 13% more than their competitors. This emerges from the Prometeia survey by AEFI (Italian Exhibitions and Trade Fair Association), presented today in Rome on the occasion of the 7th Global Exhibition Day organized by UFI– the World…

Innovabiomed takes off at Veronafiere

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Biomedical innovation takes flight with drones! Remotely piloted medical transport aircraft are just one of the innovations on display at the third edition of Innovabiomed, the two-day conference and networking event for the biomedical industry, scheduled 24-25 May at the Veronafiere Congress Centre. And not merely urgent medicines: drones developed by Israeli company Gadfin will…

Veronafiere S.p.A. AGM approves 2021 financial statements

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The AGM of Veronafiere S.p.A. met this evening as duly called and unanimously approved the financial statements as of 31 December 2021. The final results for 2021 at Group level indicate turnover of €73.6 mln (without the equity conferment and other funds, this figure would have been €42.4 mln, posting an increase of 14% over…