“Less carpet more trees”: a new slogan for the 2022 edition of Marmomac, the leading exhibition for the natural stone supply chain, scheduled in Verona 27-30 September. The initiative enjoys the strong support of Veronafiere – the organiser of Marmomacc – and Verona City Council. It aims to reduce the impact of events on the…
Less carpet and more trees at 56th Marmomac
Posts Categorized: Uncategorized
Veronafiere Group: upward review for 2022
Turnover and margins substantially at pre-pandemic levels. The latest meeting of the Board of Directors updated the budget forecasts for the second quarter of the year which estimate results in 2022 for Veronafiere Group above expectations. The recovery of full capacity in the second quarter and forecasts for the autumn indicate a consolidated turnover target…
The third edition of B/Open alongside Sol&Agrifood
Veronafiere strengthens its organic offering in the quality agro-food sector in 2023 by positioning the third edition of B/Open, the b2b exhibition in this sphere, in conjunction with Sol&Agrifood, international exhibition of quality agro-foods. The objective is to boost events that focus on certified food within the scope of a calendar in line with the…
Maurizio Danese appointed as the new Managing Director of Veronafiere
The Board of Directors of Veronafiere today unanimously appointed its new Managing Director, with a decision that ensures business continuity: Maurizio Danese, in fact, was President of Veronafiere S.p.A. from 2015 to May 2022. The new position was envisaged in the amendments to the Statutes promoted and approved by Shareholders during the AGM last February.…
Veronafiere earns “SI Rating” integrated sustainability certification
Veronafiere is the first international trade fair organizer to obtain “SI Rating” integrated sustainability certification from ARB SBpA. The certificate acknowledges the attention and commitment on the part of Veronafiere towards improving its environmental, social and good governance (ESG) impact by pursuing the 17 objectives defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda (SDGs).…
LETExpo: the green future of logistics
It is a short step from roads to sea and railways. And it’s good for the environment. As is well known to the 1,800 companies belonging to ALIS, the Sustainable Intermodal Logistics Association. In 2021 they “subtracted” 134 million tonnes of goods from road haulage in Italy – equal to 5.6 million trucks – by…
520 companies and buyers from 29 countries at the 115th Fieragricola
Ten show halls, 520 exhibitors from Italy and 11 international countries, buyers arriving from 29 countries and a calendar of more than 120 events including conferences, workshops and dynamic tests. These are the features of Fieragricola (2-5 March 2022), Veronafiere‘s historic international show which this year celebrates 115 editions. Founded in 1898 in Verona, Fieragricola…
Metsola (EU): “Fieragricola: inspiration for farming’s new generations”
“Fieragricola is a show boasting a long history; its events have been an opportunity for modernization in agriculture for more than 120 years. Fieragricola has also helped create a sense of community among farmers and their families and I wish to express all my gratitude for this.” So said the President of the European Parliament,…
Trade Fairs: new Covid decree re-opens to non-EU international buyers
Another step towards the ‘new normal’ in the sector. With the approval of the Covid-19 law decree dated 2 February, the Council of Ministers gave the green light to international buyers from countries with different vaccination rules compared to Europe. Now, even operators protected with a vaccine not recognized by the EMA (European Medicines Agency)…
Veronafiere: 2022 winter calendar updated
Veronafiere has revised the programming of the main b2b exhibitions in Italy for the early months of 2022. The decision was taken in agreement with production chains and in line with the approach also taken by the other main European trade fair organizers in response to the increase in infections on a global scale. The…