Veronafiere is greener than ever thanks to its new 5,000 sq.m. photovoltaic plant
The Veronafiere Group ramps up its commitment to environmental sustainability with a new 5,000 sq.m. photovoltaic system. The new plant was inaugurated today. It has a production capacity of 1,184.3 MWh of clean energy per year, equal to consumption by 300 apartments, thereby avoiding the emission of 770 tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The structure with 2,183 solar panels was installed on the roof of Show Hall 8 in the Verona Exhibition Centre, involving a total investment of 886,000 euros and six months of work. 51% of the electricity generated is for on-site consumption, covering the needs of four show halls (6, 7, 8 and 10) as well as outdoor area “E”; the remaining 49% is fed into the grid. All the more, a system with widespread and optimised collection points is already being studied to increase the energy quota available for Exhibition Centre operations up to 86%.

The photovoltaic plant was presented this morning at Veronafiere by President Federico Bricolo, joined by General Manager Adolfo Rebughini and Operations & HR Director Anna Nicolò.
The project is part of the Group’s growth strategy focusing on an increasingly sustainable approach to trade fair business thanks to the adoption of technological solutions and good management practices.
“The new photovoltaic system completes one of the objectives that the Board of Directors set itself in the Veronafiere-ONE development plan. It is a new milestone along our energy transition,” said Federico Bricolo, President of Veronafiere. “We are also already looking into the next steps: a geothermal energy project is currently being studied that will also serve local people, while we have started discussions with Verona City Council about setting up an energy community for which the Verona Exhibition Centre could well be an important hub.”

From left, President Federico Bricolo, General Manager Adolfo Rebughini and Operations & HR Director Anna Nicolò
The 5,000 sq,m. of new solar panels thereby join the 2,000 panels already installed ten years ago on the roof of Show Hall 1, which provide 76 kW of power.
“Sustainability plays a central role in our Group’s development model,” said Adolfo Rebughini, General Manager of Veronafiere. “We are well aware that the trade fair sector must drive positive change and we are determined to set a good example. Veronafiere was the first in Italy to receive the ISO 50001 energy management certification in 2015 and we have voluntarily drawn up a sustainability report by now for three years, ahead of the legal obligation. Nor should we overlook attention paid to hosting events in crucial sectors for the green transition, such as Solar & Storage Live Italia, which will make its debut in our Exhibition Centre 8-9 October 2025.”
As regards energy efficiency, in addition to the new solar panels, “relamping” work has been carried out at Veronafiere involving ten lighting towers and the areas outside the show halls, by replacing the old LED lighting systems, thereby reducing total consumption by 110.5 kilowatts per year.
“Veronafiere is well aware if the importance of environmental safeguards for the community,” said Anna Nicolò, Director of Operations & HR at Veronafiere. “In this context, the most relevant aspect concerns consumption and management of the energy needed to support our core business. This is why we are constantly working to improve our energy performance by making facilities and processes more efficient. Each new intervention is studied and implemented in a green perspective by a specific in-house Energy Team.”

When talking about environmental sustainability, Veronafiere goes well beyond mere energy aspects. Veronafiere is also very virtuous as regards the recovery cycle for waste generated during its events: in 2024, 80% of waste collection was differential, equal to 3,300 tonnes of materials collected.
Lastly, to reduce its impact on the surrounding area even further, Veronafiere offers employees the opportunity of remote home working and encourages innovative solutions to promote sustainable mobility for travelling to and from the workplace.