Vitòria Stone Fair celebrates 20 editions
More than 300 exhibitors, 1,000 varieties of marble and other natural stones, with professional operators, architects and designers from 60 countries: these are the results for the 20th Vitòria Stone Fair held 7-10 February 2023. The most important event in Latin America specifically for the natural stone sector is promoted and organized by Veronafiere do Brasil (Veronafiere Group) together with its local partner, Milanez & Milaneze.
The b2b event is held in Vitòria, Espírito Santo State, where 80% of Brazilian stone exports originate, posting turnover in excess of 200 million dollars. Brazil ranks 4th in the world for production and 5th for exports of marble, granite and decorative natural stones.
“Vitòria Stone Fair is the landmark in this immense geo-economic area for the natural stone quarrying and processing sector. The 2023 edition is the first after the pandemic and is a new beginning for the most important natural stone trade fair in Latin America,” said the Vice President of Veronafiere, Matteo Gelmetti, speaking at the Inauguration together with Ricardo Ferraço, Vice Governor of Espirito Santo State, Massimiliano Iacchini, Italian Consul in Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo, Ed Martins, President of Sindirochas, Cris Samorini, President of Findes (Espírito Santo Industry Federation), Jorge Viana, President of Apex, Tales Machado, President Centrorochas, and Flávia Milaneze, CEO of Milanez & Milaneze.

From the left: Flávia Milaneze, CEO Milaneze&Milaneze, and Matteo Gelmetti, Vice President of Veronafiere
Matteo Gelmetti, Vice President of Veronafiere: “In making the most of an ideal location in February, this event symbolically opens the global trade fair calendar, thereby confirming its status as one of the most effective business accelerators for companies in the sector,” added Vice President Gelmetti. “With this reason also in mind, we have set ourselves the goal of planning with our partners to strengthen our presence in Brazil, a country in the heart of South America and one of the most important markets for the sectors where we operate: natural stone, marble, construction and agro-foods.
Collaboration between Brazil and Italy, established through the initiatives of the Veronafiere Group, its partner Milanez & Milaneze and the respective national trade associations, seeks to ensure the reciprocal development of the natural stone supply chains in the two countries. This mutually beneficial virtuous ensures qualified and important Brazilian attendance at Marmomac in Verona (26-29 September 2023), the most important world exhibition in the sector attracting more than 1,207 exhibitors (60% international from 47 countries) and more than 50,000 buyers from 130 countries.
Veronafiere’s involvement in the stone sector in the Americas is not limited to Brazil but also focuses on the United States. At the end of January, Marmomac travelled to Las Vegas for TISE 2023 – The International Surfaces Event/StonExpo. On this occasion, the President of Veronafiere, Federico Bricolo, presented the “Grande Pinnacle Award” on behalf of the Natural Stone Institute, the main US trade association representing the natural stone industry. The award, sponsored by Marmomac, is made to sector professionals who have helped promote creativity and skill in the use of natural stone and its applications in residential and commercial sectors.
The Chicago Cultural Center welcomed a delegation from Veronafiere early in February to meet the board of the Chicago Architecture Biennial with the aim of promoting Marmomac as well as encouraging exchanges with North America’s largest architecture and design exhibition.